Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Because Everyone Should Have a Peter Pan Flute

Peter Pan's Flute

So, weird things happen when you take your crafty, idea-laden, power-tool skilled boyfriend to Michael's Crafts. He buys two witch brooms (as Halloween is around the corner), and won't tell you what they are for. That is, until you get outside and he takes off all of twigs that make up the actual broom and throws them in the trash. Yeah. That happened. He really just wanted the worn bamboo handle. Then, because you are both on the same level of weird, crafty, and imaginative, you guess that he wants to make a flute. You guess right.

So as he wanted to make two flutes, (as I was Peter Pan and he was my shadow for our Halloween Disney Cruise), we got underway. Here I will describe what we did to accomplish creating these easy to make flutes.

It took a total of about an hour.

What you will need:

A Bamboo stick (or something long and rod like, preferably hollow?)
A saw of some type (we used a scroll saw, but I think a handsaw would also work)
A ruler
Something to mark the stick with using the ruler
Sandpaper (we used a grinder)
Super glue (we used Cyanoacrylate, but a hot glue gun with sticks would also work)

Step 1:  Measure

Measure how long you want your largest piece to be. For ours, we measured to 6 inches and reduced the length by about an inch for each piece. The shortest piece was about 2.5 inches. Just decide what you'd like and go from there. Initially, I started with a 7" piece but didn't like that length so I cut it down.

Step 2: Cut

Cut the pieces at the marked interval. We used a scroll saw, but a hand saw would probably work as well.

Step 3: Lay out pieces and check the lengths

Double check you like the lengths. If not, shorten or adjust accordingly.

Step 4: Sand or Grind down the edges

We did this purely for aesthetics, and because the bamboo splintered a bit. You could probably skip this if you really don't mind the way the fresh cut pieces look. 

Step 5: Glue the pieces together

Glue the pieces together. You can use any type of adhesive you think will work. We used cyanoacrylate here, but I think a hot glue gun, or some extreme super glue would work equally well. 

Step 6: Add the twine

We added twine, again for looks. so here it is... TADAAAAA. My peter pan flute. 

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